Tuesday, August 18, 2015

#359: Carole King - Tapestry (1971)

Zack: I originally listened to Tapestry sometime in early June I think. I then didn’t bother to write a review. By the time I remembered that that was a thing I was supposed to do, I had absolutely no recollection of this album other than a vague memory of liking it. Instead of faking it, I resolved to relisten to it. Once again, I liked it. But apparently the main problem wasn’t that I couldn’t remember what I had thought but that I hadn’t thought much beyond that it was a good album. Tapestry has a certain timelessness to it. I wouldn’t have been surprised to see it had been released at any point between 1965 and 1996. But that it could so easily slip into so many decades has more to do with a lack of anything distinctive or exciting enough that would tie it to a certain point in musical history. Let me put it this way: I’ve been listening to A$AP Rocky’s ALLA a lot lately. That album is very good, although I don’t know if I would call it great. Tapestry is probably objectively better. But musically it is very clearly an album from this decade. It couldn’t have come out at any other time. A Rod Stewart feature credit wouldn’t have the same sort of ridiculous effect it has now. And there’s something very comforting in knowing the context that an album belongs in. I didn’t get that with Tapestry. It was a pleasant album that isn’t really bounded to anything. It’s just songs. Good songs, to be sure. But without something more attached to it, I was struggling to find any reason to cherish it.
Favorite Tracks: Will You Love Me Tomorrow?; You’ve Got a Friend; So Far Away

Emily: Tapestry has a feeling of familiarity to it. I was surprised at how many songs I recognized (even 40+ years after the album was released), and I definitely enjoyed the 45 minutes I spent listening to songs both familiar and unfamiliar. However, I do agree with Zack that there wasn't much to distinguish this albums from others of its era and genre. It was pleasant and enjoyable, but I don't think it's going to stand out in my mind when it comes to our next awards post.
Favorite Tracks: Will You Love Me Tomorrow?; You've Got a Friend; It's Too Late

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