Saturday, July 2, 2011

#106: Kiss - Destroyer (1976)

Zack: Oh Kiss. It doesn’t get more gimmicky and ridiculous than them. I mean, they sold coffins for Christ’s sake! That takes commercialism in music to a whole other level. But if you look past the extravagancy and underneath the pounds upon pounds of makeup, there is something that resembles rock music underneath. It’s got all the markings at least. There are a couple foot-stomping hard rock jams, a few over-the-top anthems, and even a ballad. You couldn’t ask for more from a hard rock/metal album. Well, I guess you could. You could ask that it not be Kiss who played the songs.
Favorite Tracks: King of the Night Time World; Detroit Rock City; Beth

Emily: Over the years, Kiss has become less of a band and more of a well-devised marketing plot. The music has taken a backseat to putting their name and signature face paint on all items imaginable. Action Figures? Check. Condoms? Yep. A Kiss casket? Uhh, got that too. That being said, you can’t go into listening to a Kiss album expecting it to be the most innovative musical masterpiece you’ve ever heard. What you do get from Destroyer, however, is a well-produced collection of over-the-top hard rock anthems. They lend themselves to ridiculous performances with fire-breathing men in face paint, a successful formula that’s made Kiss one of the most popular (and lucrative) bands of all time.
Favorite Tracks: Detroit Rock City; Great Expectations; Flaming Youth

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