Tuesday, May 12, 2015

#347: Meat Loaf - Bat Out of Hell (1977)

Emily: I was really disappointed that this Meat Loaf album isn't the one that has I Would Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That). That song is the epitome of over-the-top arena rock cheese, best belted out off-key at the end of a night of karaoke. Bat Out of Hell has that same kind of cheesiness going on, but it's not quite ridiculous enough to match Meat Loaf's signature hit. It actually sounds more like the soundtrack of a rock-tinged musical than a rock album in and of itself - the composer is actually trying to make it into a Broadway musical now too, almost 40 years later. I can envision Meat Loaf driving a makeshift motorcycle on stage and dueting with a rock chick standing on a balcony above him, while the title track sounds like it's made to be sung by an entire Broadway chorus. When you look at Bat Out of Hell this way, it makes a bit more sense (at least to me) than seeing it as just an overproduced, cheesy '70s rock album. I don't know if that's what Meat Loaf was going for, but I'll take it.
Favorite Tracks: Paradise by the Dashboard Light; Bat Out of Hell; All Revved Up with No Place to Go

Zack: For about four straight days, I would stare at my iPod before starting my daily walk to school, trying to come to terms with the fact that Meat Loaf was the next artist. And for four straight days I found the courage to listen to literally anything else. But I eventually caved into the cowardice and submerged myself in the Loaf. It was sort of like the bastard offspring of Elton John and Dio. As awesome as that sort of sounds like, I do not in fact mean that as a compliment. Bat Out of Hell was so campy that it almost defies all logic. It is about 15 minutes too long. It is trying way too hard to be whatever it is it’s supposed to be. It also takes some getting used to. I hated the first half of the album, but around the midway point I sort of acclimated to how corny it is and appreciated the second half a bit more. Still, I can’t say I expect to have a craving for any Meat Loaf at any point in the future.
Favorite Tracks: Paradise By the Dashboard Light; All Revved Up With No Place to Go; For Crying Out Loud

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