Sunday, May 31, 2015

#350: Pavement - Slanted and Enchanted (1992)

Zack: The first time I ever heard about Pavement was when a kid who lived in Emily and my hall freshman year hyped them to me. He also thought The Strokes were the best band ever, though, so I took that endorsement with a grain of salt. The second time I ever heard about Pavement was in the context of their long-running feud with Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins. Despite my love of Mellon Collie, I am aware of what a colossal dick Corgan apparently is, and so I was very conflicted. Did this mean that Pavement was sort of cool? Now that I’ve actually listened to a Pavement album, I think my evaluation is somewhere in the middle. Slanted and Enchanted reminded me of a better Sonic Youth album. There were weird abrasive phases, but the album was a catchy and melodic brand of alternative rock for the most part. I appreciated that. So even if it means I’m in a similar boat as Pitchfork, I’m going to admit that I liked this album.
Favorite Tracks: Here; In the Mouth a Desert; Jackals, False Grails: The Lonesome Era

Emily: I was better friends with that guy on our hallway than Zack was, so rather than just getting Pavement hyped to me, I was gifted with a few of their albums in my iTunes to listen to on my own time (along with, of course, a couple of Strokes albums). I never actually sat down and listened to any of the Pavement music he gave me, and anytime the band came up on shuffle or through a Genius playlist I usually just skipped it. I listened to a few of the songs I think, but nothing really stuck with me. Surprisingly, he didn't give me Slanted and Enchanted, so this was my first encounter with Pavement's debut album. Overall, it's a solid effort, but not the greatest thing ever. It veers away from the grunge sound that was emerging at the time and comes off with more of a late-80s alternative/college-rock vibe - perfect for lounging in your dorm room circa 1992. Or, for that guy on our hallway, lounging in your dorm room in 2009.
Favorite Tracks: Summer Babe (Winter Version); Here; Zurich is Stained

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