Monday, April 6, 2015

#340: PJ Harvey - Dry (1992)

Zack: The makers of the list have a bit of a PJ Harvey obsession. Dry is one of three albums on the version that we work off of, and the revisions since then have added a fourth. I’ve actually listened to the one that was added (Let England Shake) and was sort of underwhelmed. It was okay, but certainly nothing special. Dry is much better. Each song stands out as its own entity. Some are packed with a ferocity that’s hard to match. Others are a bit more understated. I tended to prefer the former. At its best, Dry sort of served as a halfway point between Patti Smith and Sleater-Kinney. Seeing as I loved both of those albums, that’s certainly a good place to be.
Favorite Tracks: Dress; Water; Oh My Lover

Emily: I had never heard of PJ Harvey before the other day, but apparently she's a big enough deal in the UK to have a royally-deemed title that's a few steps below knight. I don't know how exclusive such a title is, but it sounds pretty important to me. And based on Dry, the recognition is warranted too. It's a grunge-era album but predates the riot-grrl wave by a few years. The influence of both movements is apparent throughout the album. There's a certain urgency and anger in Harvey's voice that reminded me at once of Nirvana and Sleater-Kinney. That's some pretty good company to stand with in my book, and I hope her next two albums live up to them too.
Favorite Tracks: Oh My Lover; Hair; Sheela-Na-Gig

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