Sunday, December 22, 2013

#257: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (1976)

Emily: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers is one of those bands that's always around, but I don't really know anyone who's actually a big fan of them. Or even anyone who could name more than 2 of their songs off the top of their heads. But yet, every summer they're touring outdoor amphitheaters and headlining music festivals, somehow drawing huge crowds year after year after year. My exposure to Petty has been limited, albeit, so I had hoped that listening to this album would shed some light on the Heartbreakers ongoing popularity. Well, 30-some minutes later, I still don't get it. This self-titled debut is a perfectly pleasant collection of American rock-and-roll songs, and would probably work quite well as background tunes at a summer barbecue. But, beyond the classic American Girl, it wasn't anything that special. Certainly not worth paying arena or festival prices to see live. But hey, maybe their whole catalog is a bit more impressive than this just-okay debut.
Favorite Tracks: American Girl; Breakdown; Strangered in the Night

Zack: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers are such a perfect representation of Americana rock and roll that arguably their most well-known song was featured in a Scrubs montage. I know of no higher honor. And, as JD so eloquently puts it, “Wow.” American Girl is what we – in the modern day – would refer to as a “banger.” I also like to think that The Guess Who traveled forward in time, heard it, then decided to upgrade the subject to woman status before penning their own masterpiece. Anyway, Tom Petty’s debut is loaded with heartland rock jams like American Girl, and I can certainly appreciate it for that. I’d never listened to this album, but I went through a pretty hard Full Moon Fever phase a few years back that prepared me for the Tom Petty Experience. No song is ever too deep that it requires real concentration. They’re all simple, yet still elegant. Their debut is no different: it’s not the most challenging of albums, but it’s still plenty enjoyable.
Favorite Tracks: American Girl; Anything That’s Rock ‘N’ Roll; Luna

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