Sunday, November 19, 2017

#455: Ian Dury - New Boots and Panties!! (1977)

Zack: I have been nominating this album every time we have a punk album due for like a year and a half at this point. There are two reasons. One, the album title is great. Two, it’s one of the earliest albums in the punk section, which basically means it’s either a garage rock album (I merged those genres together some time ago since there were like 10 garage rock albums total) and I have loved like all of the garage rock albums we’ve listened to (shoutout The Sonics forevah) or an early punk album a la The Ramones, Sex Pistols, etc., which also have a history of being dope. All that had me really hyped to start listening to it…right until I hit play. The first 70% of this album was kind of slow and very British. I found Ian Dury’s voice to be pretty annoying and I was just not into it at all. The last 3 tracks are much more punkish, and they were easily my favorites. But they couldn’t quite make up for the 7 songs beforehand which frustrated me to no end.
Favorite Tracks: Blockheads; Blackmail Man; Plainstow Patricia

Emily: I do love the name of this album, as well as its cheeky origin story (that boots and underwear are the only articles of clothing that Ian Dury wouldn't buy secondhand). The music itself, though, was mostly just weird. Ian Dury is VERY British (from Essex specifically), and his accented voice snakes and snarls through his lyrics and the protopunk music that for some reason also sounds like funk and oompahs. There are glimmers of punk here and there (particularly in the last three tracks), but otherwise the sound is kind of disorienting and just not all that fun.
Favorite Tracks: Plainstow Patricia; Blackmail Man; Sweet Gene Vincent

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