Zack: As a New Jerseyian, I am supposed to like Bon
Jovi. I do not. Bon Jovi is trash. Slippery When Wet is the most famous bag of
trash this trash band has ever dumped out. It has trash songs like Livin’ on a
Prayer and You Give Love a Bad Name. These trash songs are almost all the same
type of trash: loud and cheesy, like moldy Stilton. Occasionally, there is a
slower, still cheesy, ballad piece of trash, more like fresh mozzarella that’s
sat in the fridge a little too long and has dried out, but isn’t necessarily
poisonous. I am losing the thread of this metaphor. Point is, this band and
this album are trash, I do not like it, and that is it.
Favorite Tracks: Wanted Dead or Alive; Never Say Goodbye;
Livin’ on a Prayer
Emily: There is definitely a time and place for Bon Jovi. Karaoke? Bust out that Wanted Dead or Alive. Last song at a wedding/bar mitzvah/prom? Perfect time for Livin' on a Prayer. Small children doing a lip-sync dance wearing denim jackets and bandannas? Gotta do It's My Life (Note: this is a thing that actually happened. My brother, age 7, was one of those adorable children wearing a bandanna in a summer camp performance many years ago.). In any of those scenarios, I'm on board with a small dose of Bon Jovi - I'll sing off-key and jump/dance around with the best of them. But a whole album of Bon Jovi at 10 AM on a Sunday? Eh, not quite the right vibe. The cheese and sleaze is amplified when it's all you hear for 45 minutes, and the fun of the singles gets drained out by the filler surrounding them. So I think I'll stick with small doses of Bon Jovi from here on out - but, based on Zack's comments above, almost definitely not at my own wedding.
Favorite Tracks: Livin' on a Prayer; Wanted Dead or Alive; You Give Love a Bad Name